Freitag, 14. Januar 2011

Oleg Grabar ist tot

Prof. Dr. Oleg Grabar ist im Alter von 81 am 8. Januar 2011 in in seinem Haus in Princeton, New Jersey, an einem Herzversagen verstorben.
Jedem, der sich mit islamischer Kunst beschäftigt ist sein Name geläufig. Er war als Historiker und Archäologe spezialisiert auf die islamische Kunst und Architektur und leitete zahlreiche Ausgrabungen in Afrika, dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten und im muslimischen Asien. Seine Wirkung auf diesen speziellen Forschungszweig war enorm, da Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts dieses Fach nur von wenigen so ernsthaft und intensiv betrieben wurde, wie von ihm. Sein Wirken war äußerst interdisziplinär, also breitgefächert, sein Wissen profund, sowie seine Tätigkeit vom großen publizistischem Fleiß bis ins hohe Alter geprägt. So beeinflusste er maßgeblich eine ganze Generation zukünftiger Wissenschaftler der Fachrichtung Islamische Kunst, die heute noch als Kuratoren in Museen der ganzen Welt oder als Kunstexperten bei den großen Auktionshäusern beschäftigt sind.

Die New York Times schreibt (ein Ausschnitt):
Oleg Grabar, a historian of Islamic art and architecture whose imposingly broad range and analytical subtlety helped transform the Western study of Islamic culture, died Saturday at his home in Princeton, N.J. He was 81. (...)

Professor Grabar, the son of the eminent Byzantinist Andre Grabar, specialized in the architecture of the seventh- and eighth-century Umayyad dynasty early in his career. In the 1960s he led the excavations at Qasr al-Hayr East in Syria, the site of an early Islamic palace in an area long thought to be a historical blank.

His interests broadened to embrace the Islamic world beyond the Middle East and a wide variety of subjects, including the architecture of Jerusalem under Islamic rule, Arabic and Persian illustrated manuscripts, Islamic ornament and contemporary Islamic architecture.

Many of his books are regarded as classics, notably “The Formation of Islamic Art” (1973) and “Islamic Art and Architecture, 650 to 1250” (1987), written with Richard Ettinghausen for the Pelican History of Art.

Seinen Werdegang kann man auf seiner Institutsseite nachlesen.

Mir ist er besonders in Erinnerung, da ich öfters über die islamische Architektur auf nachgelesen habe, wenn mir die Reiseführer-Informationen zu spärlich waren, um zu ergründen, warum ein Bauwerk kunsthistorisch bedeutender als ein anderes sein soll.

Hier eine Auflistung seiner dort verzeichneten frei zugänglichen Werke - eine wahre Fundgrube an seriösen Informationen:

Grabar, OlegAbout an Arabic Dioskorides Manuscript2006
Grabar, OlegAbout Two Mughal Miniatures2006
Grabar, OlegThe Aesthetics of Islamic Art2006
Grabar, OlegAl-Haram al-Sharif2005
Grabar, OlegAl-Kuds, Monuments2005
Grabar, OlegAl-Masjid al-Aqsa2005
Grabar, OlegArchitecture as Art1986
Grabar, OlegArchitecture as Art2006
Grabar, OlegThe Architecture of the Middle Eastern City: The Case of the Mosque2006
Grabar, OlegArt and Architecture2006
Grabar, OlegArt and Architecture and the Qur'an2005
Grabar, OlegAn Art of the Object2006
Grabar, OlegBetween Connoisseurship and Technology: A Review1988
Grabar, OlegBetween Connoisseurship and Technology: A Review2006
Grabar, OlegCities and Citizens: The Growth and Culture of Urban Islam2006
Grabar, OlegClassical Forms in Islamic Art and Some Implications2006
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume I (complete publication)2005
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume I: Index2005
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume I: Table of Contents and Preface2005
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume II (complete publication)2006
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume II: Index2006
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume II: Table of Contents and Preface2006
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume III (complete publication)2006
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume III: Index2006
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume III: Table of Contents and Preface2006
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume IV (complete publication)2005
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume IV: Bibliography2005
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume IV: Chapter 22005
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume IV: Index2005
Grabar, OlegConstructing the Study of Islamic Art, Volume IV: Table of Contents and Preface2005
Grabar, OlegThe Crusades and the Development of Islamic Art2006
Grabar, OlegThe Date and Meaning of Mshatta2005
Grabar, OlegDie Ethische Dimension des Ornaments2006
Grabar, OlegDifferent but Compatible Ends2006
Grabar, OlegThe Earliest Islamic Commemorative Structures, Notes and Documents2005
Grabar, OlegEpigrafika Vostoka, A Critical Review2006
Grabar, OlegEurope and the Orient: An Ideologically Charged Exhibition2006
Grabar, OlegAn Exhibition of High Ottoman Art1989
Grabar, OlegAn Exhibition of High Ottoman Art2006
Grabar, OlegFatimid Art, Precursor or Culmination2005
Grabar, OlegFrom Dome of Heaven to Pleasure Dome2006
Grabar, OlegFrom Utopia to Paradigms1985
Grabar, OlegFrom Utopia to Paradigms2006
Grabar, OlegGeometry and Ideology: The Festival of Islam and the Study of Islamic Art2006
Grabar, OlegGraffiti or Proclamations: Why Write on Buildings?2006
Grabar, OlegThe Haram al-Sharif: An Essay in Interpretation2005
Grabar, OlegHistory of Art and History of Literature: Some Random Thoughts2006
Grabar, OlegThe Iconography of Islamic Architecture2005
Grabar, OlegThe Illustrated Maqamat of the Thirteenth Century: the Bourgeoisie and the Arts2006
Grabar, OlegImperial and Urban Art in Islam: The Subject-Matter of Fatimid Art2005
Grabar, OlegThe Inscriptions of the Madrasa-Mausoleum of Qaytbay2006
Grabar, OlegIsfahan as a Mirror of Persian Architecture2006
Grabar, OlegIslam and Iconoclasm2005
Grabar, OlegIslamic Architecture and the West: Influences and Parallels2006
Grabar, OlegIslamic Art and Archaeology2006
Grabar, OlegIslamic Art and Architecture and the Antique2006
Grabar, OlegIslamic Art and Byzantium2005
Grabar, OlegThe Islamic Dome, Some Considerations2006
Grabar, OlegIslamic Ornament and Western Abstraction2006
Grabar, OlegIssues Raised, Issues Omitted1980
Grabar, OlegJerusalem Elsewhere2005
Grabar, OlegL'Art Omeyyade en Syrie, Source de l'Art Islamique2005
Grabar, OlegLa Place de Qusayr 'Amrah dans l'art profane du Haut Moyen Age2005
Grabar, OlegLe Temple, Lieu de Conflit: Le Monde de l'Islam2005
Grabar, OlegLes arts mineurs de l'Orient musulman � partir du milieu du XIIe si�cle2006
Grabar, OlegThe Making of the Haram al-Sharif: The First Steps2005
Grabar, OlegThe Many Gates of Ottoman Art2006
Grabar, OlegThe Meaning of History in Cairo1985
Grabar, OlegThe Meaning of History in Cairo1989
Grabar, OlegThe Meaning of History in Cairo2006
Grabar, OlegThe Meaning of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem2005
Grabar, OlegThe Meanings of Sinan's Architecture2006
Grabar, OlegMichael Meinecke and His Last Book1996
Grabar, OlegThe Mission and its People1994
Grabar, OlegA Newly Discovered Illustrated Manuscript of the Maqamat of Hariri2006
Grabar, OlegA Note on the Chludoff Psalter2005
Grabar, OlegNotes on the Decorative Composition of a Bowl from Northeastern Iran2005
Grabar, OlegNotes on the Dome of the Rock2005
Grabar, OlegNotes on the Iconography of the 'Demotte' Shahname2006
Grabar, OlegNotes sur le Mihrab de la Grande Mosqu�e de Cordoue2005
Grabar, OlegNotes sur les C�r�monies Umayyades2005
Grabar, OlegOn Catalogs, Exhibitions and Complete Works2006
Grabar, OlegOn Catalogues, Exhibitions, and Complete Works1987
Grabar, OlegOn Knowledge and Education2010
Grabar, OlegOn the Universality of the History of Art2006
Grabar, OlegPatterns and Ways of Cultural Exchange2006
Grabar, OlegPictures or Commentaries: The Illustrations of the Maqamat of al-Hariri2006
Grabar, OlegA Preliminary Note on Two Eighteenth Century Representations of Mecca and Medina2006
Grabar, OlegQu'est-ce que l'Art Fatimide?2005
Grabar, OlegQubbat al-Sakhrah2005
Grabar, OlegReflections on Mamluk Art1984
Grabar, OlegReflections on Mamluk Art2006
Grabar, OlegReflections on the Study of Islamic Art1983
Grabar, OlegReflections on the Study of Islamic Art2006
Grabar, OlegReport on Soviet Central Asia1989
Grabar, OlegSarvistan: a Note on Sasanian Palaces2005
Grabar, OlegThe Shared Culture of Objects2006
Grabar, OlegSpace and Holiness in Medieval Jerusalem2005
Grabar, OlegSymbols and Signs in Islamic Architecture1980
Grabar, OlegSymbols and Signs in Islamic Architecture1983
Grabar, OlegSymbols and Signs of Islamic Architecture2006
Grabar, OlegToward an Aesthetic of Persian Painting2006
Grabar, OlegTrade with the East and the Influence on the 'Luxury Arts' in the West2006
Grabar, OlegTwo Paradoxes in the Islamic Art of the Spanish Peninsula2005
Grabar, OlegTwo Pieces of Metalwork at the University of Michigan2006
Grabar, OlegUmayyad 'Palace' and the 'Abbasid 'Revolution'2005
Grabar, OlegThe Umayyad Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem2005
Grabar, OlegUmayyad Palaces Reconsidered1993
Grabar, OlegUmayyad Palaces Reconsidered2005
Grabar, OlegUpon Reading al-Azraqi1985
Grabar, OlegUpon Reading al-Azraqi2005
Grabar, OlegWhat Makes Islamic Art Islamic?2006
Grabar, Oleg and Holod, RenataA Tenth-Century Source for Architecture2005
Grabar, Oleg, and Natif, MikaTwo Safavid Paintings: An Essay in Interpretation2001
Grabar, Oleg, edMuqarnas Volume I: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture1983
Grabar, Oleg, edMuqarnas Volume II: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture1984
Grabar, Oleg, edMuqarnas Volume III: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture1985
Grabar, Oleg, edMuqarnas Volume IV: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture1987
Grabar, Oleg, edMuqarnas Volume IX: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture1992
Grabar, Oleg, edMuqarnas Volume V: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture1988
Grabar, Oleg, edMuqarnas Volume VI: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture1989
Grabar, Oleg, edMuqarnas Volume VII: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture1990
Grabar, Oleg, edMuqarnas Volume VIII: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture1991
Grabar, Oleg, Perrot, J., Ravani, B., and Rosen, MyriamSondages � Khirbet el-Minyeh2005

Seine letzte Rede kann man hier nachlesen. Er möge in Frieden ruhen.

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